Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why do we follow?

Day 27
OT Reading: Exodus 13-15
NT Reading: Matthew 19:1-15

In Exodus 15:25-26 God makes the Israelites a promise. If they obey and follow him, he will not bring upon them the plagues he brought upon the Egyptians. Notice however that God does not say, "I'll make everything easy and you'll never have any hardships."

I'm afraid too many people expect that when they obey God, he'll make sure nothing painful or frustrating ever happens. But that's not the case at all. Jesus tells us that God sends rain (a.k.a. storms of life) on both the righteous and the unrighteous. (Matthew 5:45, NIV)

We don't obey God, follow his commands, read the Bible, pray, etc to get special treatment or protection from any unfortunate circumstances. If that were the case everyone would likely be along just for that. Instead, we follow God...because we love him and desire to serve, honor and glorify him.

I'm not saying I never let selfish motives get in the way...I'd be lying if I said that. But it is good to offer myself a reminder, especially when tough times hit. God's not offering special passes because I'm a Christian, a preacher, have certain verses memorized or am reading through the Bible in a year. And yet I follow and obey simply out of love for Him.

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