Thursday, July 1, 2010


Day 39
OT Reading: Leviticus 4-6
NT Reading: Matthew 25:1-30

A lot of people get very caught up in discussions about the end times and the second coming of Jesus (the big, fancy, theological word for this is eschatology in case you are curious). I mean all it takes is the click of the TV remote or browsing your local bookstore to hear/see someone using terms like premillennial, rapture, tribulation and four-horsemen (no...not THOSE four horsemen). Unfortunately though, there are plenty who choose to focus entirely on the end of the world, and ignore the other 95% of what is in the Bible.

To be honest, I personally have become annoyed with those who focus solely on this concept. And I admit that I could be accused of avoiding this teaching all together. Not because I do not believe in the second coming, because I most definitely do, but more out of reaction to those who only focus on this topic. So there is my issue to deal with :-).

I say all this because it would be easy, going through Matthew 24 and 25, to get caught up in similar activity. It would be easy to scrutinize every Greek letter, every word, every syllable in an effort to determine the precise day, time and iPod playlist of the end of the world. But I'm afraid if we do that, we really miss the point. Jesus point was not to give us days and times. Jesus point was not to give specific signs. Jesus point was simply: be ready.

Skim back through chapters 24 and 25 again. How many times does Jesus say something like, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour." (Matthew 25:13, NIV) The entire time Jesus is stressing to those who would follow, " don't know when it is going to happen, and that is ok. You need to be ready for it regardless of the time, place or circumstances." Jesus wants his followers to always, without fail, be ready.

And, to be clear, this is not a "have I done enough to go to heaven" sort of "be ready." Frankly we cannot do enough, that's why Jesus came. But the question is, am I making use of the opportunities I have for Christ? When Jesus returns, will I be at a stage of spiritual growth in my life or spiritual stagnation? Will I be putting the talents He has given me to work, or will I be neglecting my gifts? Will I be able to proudly stand before my Lord and say, "Thank God you're here. I've been anxiously waiting for you." Or will it be more like, "Um...could you come back a little later?"

Sure there are a lot of details and parables we could discuss from these chapters. But I hope in all that you don't miss the big message of Jesus: be ready!

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