OT Reading: Joshua 9-10
NT Reading: Luke 3
If you've been around me long you know that I run. For fun. No seriously, I am one of those people who love training for things like half and full marathons (13.1 and 26.2 miles respectively). To this point in my life I've run five "halfs" and four "fulls" all because I love to run. I love the challenge. I love the activity. I love the aura of a big race. Much of the year I even love lacing up my shoes and putting in miles - some days running anywhere between 12-20 - all as I take in the beauty of creation, and unplug from the everyday. To me running is typically a joy.
I say "typically" because lately, that's been different. I'm not entirely certain on the numbers, but I'm pretty sure we've been averaging something like 1,247 degrees outside. Therefore if I'm going to train...if I'm going to run and stay in shape, I either need to get up very early (denying myself some much-loved sleep) or run in the middle of the day with an ambulance tailing me.
Lately, running has not been a joy. It has not been fun. In fact, it's been a nothing but a pain. A hot, tiring, exhausting, annoying P-A-I-N. Most days I want to want to run...but one glance outside and the desire is gone.
But the reality is that if I want to stay in shape; if I want to complete a certain distance or set a personal record (PR) or just feel good about my fitness, I have to run. In order to be a better runner, I have to have the discipline to run...even when it's not fun, even when it's not comfortable, even when it's not convenient.
The same can be said about our daily readings. Reading the Bible is a spiritual discipline. And there will be times when you're fired up, excited and just digging into the Word. During these times it will almost be as though you and God are likethis and you just cannot get enough of what the Bible has to say. But on the other hand there will be other times when you just press on; reading even though you don't really feel like it. At times it may not be fun, it may not be comfortable and it may not even be convenient. But still you press on. Not because God will smite you down if you don't, but because you know that there will be a tremendous benefit in the end if you do. By pressing on and practicing this spiritual discipline of Bible reading, you can grow in your knowledge and understanding about who God is and what He desires from you.
So sure...being disciplined is often not fun. In fact, a lot of times it's a drudge. But we press on, understanding that there is a benefit in the end, if we do not give up.
Want to read more about the spiritual disciplines? Richard Foster has a classic work out entitled Celebration of Discipline dealing with this very topic. While I don't agree with every point he makes (as is typical with any book), overall it's a fantastic way to understanding more about the spiritual exercises you can incorporate into your own life.
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