OT Reading: 1 Chronicles 3-5
NT Reading: John 8:1-20
I've not been feeling very inspired to write lately. Of course that could be directly connected to having the stomach flu (one of the blessed gifts given to me by my beloved wifey), or it could be due to the endless span of names, names and more names that we've come across since we started Chronicles. Remember how I was dreading Numbers? Maybe Chronicles should have been my section of dread.
If you've been reading my random rantings for awhile, you may recall that I posted something about Mark chapter 16 a couple months ago, and how in your Bible there may be a note in your Bible that reads something like, "Earliest and most reliable manuscripts do not have this section." Well if you recall that, a couple things I need to mention. First, I've not yet responded to the question about why I think Mark 16 should end at verse eight (sorry Melissa...I will get to it, I promise). Second, you may notice that a similar remark is made about what many would say is one of their favorite accounts in the gospels as Jesus deals with the woman caught in the act of adultery.
Honestly, I don't know. I haven't made up my mind...mainly because I haven't studied this section thoroughly enough to have an informed opinion. But here are a couple things I do know.
1. This account is very much in line with the character of Jesus, therefore it does not change our Christology (a fancy theological word which simply refers to the study of Christ).
2. Earliest and most reliable manuscripts in fact do not have this text.
3. One early manuscript has this account appearing in the gospel of Luke, and not John.
All in all this is something I'd need to put more time and effort into studying before coming to an informed decision. Emotionally I'd love to go "all-in" on this passage with all certainty...but I can't do that and be honest to myself and to you.
So if nothing else, hopefully this was at least something for you to chew on.
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