Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Re: Persecution

Day 178
OT Reading: Job 10-12
NT Reading: Acts 8:1-25

"Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went." (Acts 8:4, NIV)

Persecution. It's not a happy word. It's not a word that we really like to talk about. But the fact is that since the inception of the Church, followers of Jesus have endured persecution. Even here in the book of Acts, Jesus had only ascended to heaven a few weeks or months prior and with the stoning of Stephen a wave of maltreatment crops up against his followers. Over the next couple thousand years some locations would be better, some worse...but persecution of Jesus' disciples continues even today. But I suppose as I consider this idea of persecution, I'd like to offer the following thoughts/remarks:

1. We need to pray for those who are enduring persecution even today. We certainly do not like to think about it...but the fact is that Christians are suffering and dying for their faith every year. In case you missed it, this past Sunday was named as the International Day of Prayer by the organization "Voice of the Martyrs." I'd strongly encourage you to check out their website here as you learn more specifically what you can pray for.

2. I just want to warn you, this is going to sound really weird. And frankly I cringe even now as I type this introductory sentence, knowing what I'm about to suggest. But maybe...just maybe...we should pray for persecution in our own country. I know...that is a completely asinine thought, but hear me out for one moment. It is not that I want to endure persecution. I'm not a masochist or anything like that. But for one moment just take a guess as to when the church has grown the most. Take a guess as to when people have been most passionate about following and serving Jesus. Guess what periods of history have seen the most evangelism and missionary efforts. Guess when in history the idea of a 'nominal Christian' was practically non-existent. I hope I've made my point. So do I really want persecution? Sure...about as much as I want a root-canal performed by a blind podiatrist.* But what if...for the sake of the Kingdom...that is exactly what we should do?

*Yes I know that's a foot doctor...that's part of the joke.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your insight, Mark. I just want to let you know that your posts really enhance what I get out of the daily reading. Not to mention the fact that it's nice to know that someone's right there along with me.

    And I have to say that today's post especially made me pause. To pray for persecution? Not something that had ever crossed my mind before but one of those things that will stick with me for a while as I ponder a new perspective. I love it when that happens...


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