Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 17

Day 17
OT Reading: Genesis 41
NT Reading: Matthew 13:1-32

I did in fact read today. Though nothing really jumped out at me to say, "this is what you should blog about." However at lunch today my wife Kara posed a question to me that that I thought was appropriate. She asked me, "What changes have you noticed since you started this?" Honestly I could not answer at first because I had not stopped to really think about it. But as we went on, a few did come to mind that I thought I'd share.

1. I'm starting to feel like this is a habit. Most people say it takes 21 days to develop a habit, some people say 30. But regardless of how many days it takes, if I get towards the end of the day and have not read yet, I'm beginning to miss it. So we're getting closer :-).

2. It's feeling less like work. Admittedly in college, and even in my job, I study the Bible a lot. So it's easy to skip devotional reading. But by doing this exercise, I truly feel as though my brain is beginning to separate"for personal growth" reading from my "for work" reading.

3. Blogging has been extremely helpful. On one hand if I don't blog I feel like someone out there will send me an email asking me if I'm slacking. Yes, I know there are a few of you daily readers :-). On the other hand, the simple task of discussing some point of the day's passages goes a long way in helping me process everything. When talking about this with Kara I began rambling off different blog posts and what passages they've pertained to.

So that's where I am. No dramatic revelations so far, but some growth is definitely obvious for least when I stop to think about it. But while we're here let me ask you. How have you grown in the last 17 days? Why not stop and think about that for awhile?

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