OT Reading: Genesis 49-50
NT Reading: Matthew 15:1-20
To those reading with me, I'd like to congratulate you on two significant milestones in this journey.
1. You've now read through Genesis. Start to finish. All 50 chapters, and regardless...that is in fact an accomplishment that many have never set to complete.
2. If you have kept up reading...everyday from the beginning to now...you've now been reading 21 days. The significance is that most researchers tell us it takes 21 days to establish a habit. So even if you may not be there yet, you're well on your way!
If you haven't read every day, or are a little behind...it is ok :-). Don't get discouraged, just pick up an couple extra chapters here and there and you'll be back up with us in no time. Trust me...you'll be glad to stuck with it.
Regarding today's reading, I love how blunt Jesus gets in Matthew 15. What stands out to me most is how he points out that the religious people of his day (in this case the Pharisees) will not think twice about ignoring the Word of God for the sake of their own traditions (15:6).
Imagine that. Church people...who dress right, speak right and behave right, ignoring the desires and commands of God just to hold fast to their own religious traditions...good thing THAT doesn't happen any more.
Don't get me wrong...traditions in and of themselves are not inherently evil. But unfortunately you don't have to be involved in church world long to see that too many churches have resolved themselves to acting like the Pharisees and valuing traditions over the Word of God. Which, in my experience, has done nothing but present a marred image of the very Jesus these churches claim to represent.
But complaining about the issue will do little to correct it. Yet I do know that as I move forward in my own ministry...I hope to never be characterized by holding tradition above the Word of God. Otherwise I'll end up setting an entirely different milestone; to be one whose "worship is in vain" and "teachings are but rules taught by men." That, my friends, is a milestone I'd rather avoid.
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