Saturday, July 24, 2010


Day 62
OT Reading: Numbers 30 - 31
NT Reading: Mark 9: 30-50

Who is the greatest? If you grew up in Sunday school (or have been impacted by your reading thus far) you may respond by saying, "Jesus." And whether you said that in a trite, or sincere fashion, you would in fact be right. But what about after that? Who would you say is #2? After Jesus who is the "next greatest?" Perhaps some preacher who is also an author and has his own TV show? Maybe some missionary in the most remote jungles of Africa? Could it be one of the apostles or other heroes we read about in the Bible? Who would you say is runner up in "the greatest" category?

To us, this may or may not be a topic that we really think about. But the apostles apparently did. In their minds Jesus was going to establish an earthly that would restore the glory to Israel, overthrow Roman rule and be established forever. And since they had been specifically chosen by Jesus to be part of his "inner circle," well, naturally they would be helping rule this Kingdom. And a variety of times throughout the gospels we see the apostles arguing about who would get what position...or in other words, "who would be the greatest." Because let's face it, if ruling in Jesus' Kingdom I'd prefer to be Vice President or Secretary of State...rather than oversee say the Department of Agriculture.

But then Jesus, as he so often does, completely flips the script on his closest companions. While others would be out comparing possessions, naming off titles, flaunting degrees and boasting about accomplishments (as we often do) in Jesus Kingdom was to be very different. Jesus tells his friends, his followers, those who would lead His church, that to become great...they must be servants. Unconcerned with recognition, driven only by a desire to please the Master.

That's a very different perspective than the apostles, or we, are accustomed to. But as I read these words of Jesus I'm forced to ask, "Have I been living, working and serving for recognition, applause and personal gain? Or am I content to be a servant? Living for nothing more than to honor my Master? Something to think about.

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