Monday, July 19, 2010

Things you never new were in the Bible -- episode 1

Day 57
OT Reading: Numbers 16-17
NT Reading: Mark 6:33-56

When you start really digging in and reading the Bible, you sometimes come across things that you probably will not be hearing about in a sermon any time soon. Today was one of those. Today's reading included an account that I'd like to include in a sermon series called, "Things you probably never knew, or maybe can't even believe are actually in the Bible."

Not the feeding of the 5,000. That is in all four gospels and is one of Jesus' most well known miracles. I'm talking about the whole "earth opening and swallowing whole families" story we read about in Numbers 16. This is one of those that you almost wish you could least I do...just to take in exactly how this all happened.

What I could do as I reference this story is come to this point in the post and skew the story towards some grand spiritual finale'. I could discuss how ultimately if we allow sin to control our lives it will swallow us whole in the end...and it's only by fleeing temptation and following Jesus that we may be spared. I could do that...but I won't. Instead, I'd like to offer you a challenge.

I challenge you to somehow in the next few days casually allude to this little-known event in the Bible. You can bring it up with your small group, reference it in a conference meeting, even work it into a supper-time prayer if you like. Then act as if it's a story you thought everyone knew, and be shocked at those who have no idea of what you're talking about. Just give it a whirl. Remember, there are bonus points for creativity. Afterward, be sure to let me know how it went ;-).


  1. I happened to stumble onto your site. I forgot about this passage of scripture for some reason, I remember the earth swollowing up the families but i forgot about the plague.

    Its eye opening how serious God takes sin, maybe we should as well.

  2. Hey Shane, thanks for commenting. Indeed we treat sin far too casually. When you look through the Old Testament, you see exactly how disgusting sin was/is to God (the sacrificial system comes to mind). He was not amused or entertained by sin...He was wholly disgusted and angered by it.

    Again, thanks for your thoughts and for visiting my little corner of the Internet :-).


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