Friday, December 3, 2010

The Bereans and some misconceptions about ministers

Day 193
OT Reading: Psalms 7-9
NT Reading: Acts 17:1-15

"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."
Acts 17:11, NIV

For a few years now I've been in a full-time located ministry. My job is with a local church. For my occupation I study the Bible, make hospital calls, offer Scriptural counsel, and a host of other things. It is all part of what I do. But over the few years that I've done this...I've made a few observations about the ministry life and listed them below. Basically just know that if I had a nickel for every time I saw one of these misconceptions lived out...I'd be a very rich man.

* There are people who believe you only work on Sundays. And if I didn't preach that day, I basically must have had the week off.

* When people meet me for the first time, their entire demeanor may change once I answer the, "So what do you do for a living?" question.

Coincidentally, I've asked a couple dentists if they too sometimes begin to hear excuses when first meeting someone (e.g., "I really know I should go to the dentist, but you know, things are just so crazy with my life..."). Most have confirmed that they have, on multiple occasions, had such a conversation. It's good to know that ministers are not alone in that.

* Most people think you have more figured out than you really do.

* Because you are the minister there are some people who will believe or do whatever you say because they believe you are speaking for God.

Now I'll admit, I do get irritated at the suggestion that I'm basically a 'part-timer.' And it is annoying when someone's entire disposition, demeanor or vocabulary changes once they find out I'm a minister. And no matter how many times I reiterate it, I'm afraid people may assume I've got more of this spiritual-life stuff figured out than they do. But that last one in this list is the one that particularly concerns me. Those who will mindlessly follow, conform to or even obey based solely on my occupation or position in the church...that worries me.

Let me put it this way...for the record...I do not want you to take my word for it. I do not want you to just trust that I'm presenting Biblical truth accurately. I do not want you to look at the degrees on my wall and assume I know what I'm talking about. And I certainly do not want you to do something...just because I said to.

The Bereans were commended, not because of their hospitality, not because of their lively worship and not because of their sweet facilities. The Bereans thoroughly studied the Scriptures, to see if what Paul was saying was true. This is why we ask people to open their Bibles, to read it for themselves because God has enabled each of us to look into and understand His will through His word. It is my hope that these writings and your readings have more equipped you to do just thoroughly test what you hear/see/read against Scripture.

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