Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Saying goodbye

Day 199
OT Reading: Psalm 25-27
NT Reading: Acts 20:17-38

Ever find it hard to say goodbye? Perhaps you had to say goodbye to a dear friend who was moving a long ways away. And regardless of phone calls, emails and facebook know it just will not be the same. Maybe you had to say goodbye to a loved one, who passed from this life to the next. And despite all the advantages that may be had by either one of you...that does not take away the fact that something is changing. That physical presence will no longer be there. It's just sometimes difficult to say goodbye.

And I think the apostle Paul would agree. In today's passage we see a tearful, emotional farewell offered from Paul to some men that he has been with on the front lines of ministry. These men were his supporters, his students, his co-workers and most importantly...his friends. Undoubtedly they had been together through good times and bad. They had seen God's hand at work and they had endured tremendous opposition...together. And even after growing close with these men who were now leaders of the church there, it came time for Paul to leave.

Paul knew that this was the last time, this side of heaven, he would see these men. And they did not have cell phones, email and Facebook to keep in touch. Paul was going on with the mission God had laid out for him. And in his farewell to these leaders we see him state it as such:
And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
Paul hated to say goodbye. But he knew, beyond any question, that God had called him for something speak and represent the message of Jesus.

And that all leads me to a difficult question. When was the last time you felt so led, so convicted and so passionate about God's call for your life that you were willing to:
* leave those that you know and love to follow God's call?
* knowingly head into hardship because of your call?
* be willing to even put your life on the line for your call?

That may be even more difficult than saying good bye.

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